

If you are here, it is not by accident ~ EL.11.RA

EL.11.RA : In The Beginning There Was Light
Music Channelled By Crystal Sound Alchemist : The Harmonic Convergence 3 6 9 | 4 3 2 | 5 2 8

Welcome, Beautiful Soul

My name is EL.11.RA and I am a Messenger, Teacher and Healer. I have been on quite a journey, and have had quite an adventure this lifetime and many other previous lifetimes that stretched across millenia. As most travellers do, I write about stories of my travels, and the places I have been. The only difference is, that, my travels are cosmic and interdimensional in nature, and I move through non-linear time. I am also fluent in multiple light languages, with origins going back to the First Tribes of the Elohim. Whether or not my experiences are an expression of the subconscious, there have been synchronicities that occured throughout my entire life that lead me to believe that we are not alone in the Universe. My journey now leads me here, to this space, where I share the stories of where I have been, the gifts that I receive from Source, and the gift of remembrance, of who I AM. This space is a culmination of my Soul’s work and what we hope to be a place for continuous expansion and creation as a Collective.

We have all been through a lot – our trials and tribulations are testament of our endurance as we remember the profound meaning of our existence, purpose, mission, soul calling. If you are new to spiritual work, please do not shy away. There is a reason why you are led here today. Call it what you may, but this is our natural evolution – we are all on different paths, on different stages of the cycle of Life and beyond that.

Stay a while, immerse yourself with my stories, draw in the music, and allow the energetic resonance to surface thoughts, feelings and any questions that may arise. Feel free to write to me at el.11.ra.transmissions@gmail.com

Read all about EL.11.RA here

If you would like to join me in pioneering New Earth 🌏, please write to me at the above e-mail address 🕊️

Explore my Light Language Activations and Cosmic Transmissions for Healing

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