Our neuro, chemical and bio pathways can be rewired if we love with our minds and think with our hearts.

Love then becomes rooted in wisdom;
And Consciousness/ Conscious Thought or Thinking takes form in the center of the Heart where more humane decisions can be derived, more empathy, kindness, and deliberation made from a space of compassion.

Many of these words, are to be felt, received, lived and experienced.

It is through the experiencing of these words that we innerstand the true breadth of the meaning for ourselves, in our own context of being.

Once these concepts are learnt, you will have them for life.

There is a sense of freedom and liberation from such experiences. You unlock yourself and free yourself from this self imprisonment of constant searching, tireless loops of finding answers or chasing what is beyond.

Your mind can then rest, as you tune into a soothing state,
And as you begin to discover the first communication you have had with your heart for quite some time now, you begin to connect your heart center to the higher realms/ higher consciousness to access all the answers you have in you all along.

If you are more of a Heart person you may experience an overdrive in emotions. This is not bad per se. (I have always worked on the premise of following my heart, and observing how far my feelings can take me, with outstanding outcomes, beyond what we could imagine. And I thank my support network for allowing me true expression, a constant safety net and unconditional love – so you see, my soul tribe/family sets an extremely concrete and firm foundation in order for us to discover beyond boundaries, though emotions). If you are more of a Heart person, harness the benefits of feeling in with Wisdom. The mind is a muscle, just like the heart, and strengthens with practice. This can mean getting educated, being in silent contemplation without reaction, observing, meditating, or going for hypnosis (such as the Simpson Protocol, SP).

If you are more of a Mind person, constantly in your head, you can explore bridging the heart-mind connection, by activating your heart centre to connect with your higher consciousness. Deliberate thought in daily living entails making small decisions from the heart center, and then as you go along, the larger decisions.

When these two loops of the mind and heart no longer becomes separate, circulating in its own trajectory, the union and merging of the heart and mind becomes achievable in a single infinite flow that connects and communicates – first within, then with the environment and the universe. The United Heart-Mind achieves its own equilibrium and balance, the energetic flow between the mind and heart flows seamlessly, like an electric circuit – generating a Force of Life.

This ebb and flow, balanced in equilibrium harmony is what is eternal and everlasting. Biologically, it develops our receptors and neuro, chemical and bio pathways by redirecting thought, whether it be produced by the mind or the heart, and in the process activate certain dormant keys or pathways that can give you access to an unbelievable throve of information and resources that will help you thrive and not just survive.

Allow your overworked muscles and frizzled neural pathways to rest and rejuvenate. Find sources of real relaxation and recovery by really committing to a holistic health plan that takes care of the areas you are fully aware which needs more support and development. This can be physical, but mostly these days it is more mental and emotional. We work with the additional element of spirituality, or what can also be referred to as a higher intelligence or consciousness. This is the all encompassing important ingredient for a most integrative process.

We have a host of modalities available in our website here

However, we advise you to schedule a 1:1 consultation with us, where we can recommend the best modality/fit for your intentions and personal goals.

Book a FREE 15 minute consultation session with us to find out more.

Catch my latest Light Language video, now premiering on You Tube.

Sun Salutation in Light Language by EL.11.RA

Light Language for the Morning

This 7 minutes Light Language audio is channelled by EL.11.RA on 11 July 2021

Sun Salutations ~ a Salute to the Sun

A great way to greet the morning, bathing in the warm rays of the morning sun. Close your eyes and sit down quietly for a while, immerse yourself with the sounds of this beautiful light language transmission and soak in the rejuvenating rays of the morning sun.

You can incorporate this music into your daily meditation, breath-work and yoga practice. It calms your mind, as you draw in the sun’s energies to your core and solar plexus, illuminating your entire being and igniting the energy and pulse points on your palms, forehead, and base of the feet.

As you begin to move your body to the sounds and rhythm, your energetic pathways are cleared. You draw in the sun’s energies and the energetic transmissions, balancing all your energetic points, activating the intricate network of your cells, with a golden white light. Your body becomes renewed with the energies of the morning, clearing out and discarding any low vibrations and embodying fresh new energies, creating space and expansion within you, as you move towards embodying greater possibilities that lay ahead of you this morning, or anytime you may be listening to this.

This transmission is deeply grounding, and gets you off to a great start in the morning, brimming with energy.

Music: Early Morning Drumming (Sound Effects Zone)

Light Language: EL.11.RA

Kindly note: Whilst some individuals may be able to receive energetic transmissions and are able to listen to downloads multiple times, it is advised that once you feel your heart stir, and there are sufficient light codes immersed, that you take a pause and come back to the recording later. Light Language transmissions are quite potent; if you are new to Light Language or just starting out, ease into it gently. This Light Language transmission is also very heart centred, in just 7 minutes!